Saturday, April 27, 2024



I know you hear me. 

I’m the little girl who birthed your dreams.

Remember when you were invincible?

There was a time when fear was unwelcomed,

and, no, never existed. 

I need you to fight for me, the little girl,

who told you that dreams come true.

You are invincible and fearless!

Turn the no’s, into, now’s.

Wipe your tears with memories of yesterday.

Dance to the beat of my little girl’s heart.

Sing like angels dwell within you and

Dance like air is all you need to hold you up!

Photo credit: Michael Mims for Unsplash

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Wednesday, April 24, 2024



It’s not about bad hair but bad air.  I breathe fire you breathe rain.

Dousing water on my dreams sending my hopes into steam! 

What was white hot like hope now lies in a puddle at my feet. 

You stand at the mirror reflecting on your deeds. 

You’ve done good, got away with murder, so you think. 

But little did you know my thoughts were of you! 

I included you in my plans. 

Happy not nappy, you pressed your hair, 

I dared to dream. 

I dreamed a world where I mattered, we all mattered,

 where bad deeds weren’t justified at the mirror. 

I breathe fire let’s breathe fire together. 

Let’s flow like lava igniting everything we touch,

creating islands resting in the new thing we created.

It's not the hair it’s the dare! Dare to dream, dare to be different! 

Dare to be fire-breathing. Breathing life, fearlessly fabulous,

Intentional in our intent.

Fire-breathing, no rain, no tears no dousing flames of hope,

Straining to see through steam distorting the scene.

Now standing before the mirror boldly!

Declaring my wrongs, my rights to hope and breathe,

Because I am fire, white hot liquid fire... me flow!

Photo credit: Boris Rager for Pixabay

Friday, April 19, 2024

Wednesday, April 17, 2024



Dear Lord,

Please give me the strength to be unbothered by the people who found it so easy to let me go, and so easy to walk away. 

Open my eyes to see the space that was freed up in the vacancy they created.

Help me to understand that the real estate was too
valuable to place in the hands of those who did not deserve to hold the deed! 

So now I can breathe without judgement and appreciate the view of what freedom and true value looks like! 

And my what a view!

Whispers From A Brown Girl 

Photo credit: Tabitha Turner for Unsplash

Tuesday, April 16, 2024



Don’t get comfortable upon hearing about the misfortunes of another as if you’ve dodged a bullet. Sighs of relief are not in order when you learn of someone’s unfavorable medical diagnosis, or exposure because of a business decision gone bad or being caught for wrongdoing or being caught up in a scandal that is now the subject of conversation around the kitchen table and late-night phone calls. “I told you so’s’” or “serves them right’s,” that fall from our lips as if we’ve done nothing wrong, are ALL heard by God. 

The truth is that we are all guilty of something. None of us are immune from bad news from our doctors or safe from prison sentences because of past or present indiscretions. The fact that we are not sick or broke or in jail or humiliated is no cause to celebrate instead it is reason to take a moment to tell God, “thank you!” Life changes from moment to moment and what seems like sunshine today can become a torrential downpour tomorrow with absolutely no warning or forecast of rain.   

Photo credit: Katie Moum for Unsplash

Monday, April 15, 2024



Inside my head I’m SCREAMING!



Remembering the past

Expecting the worst

Anticipating the future

Moaning in pain

Imagining my breakthrough

Needing a healing

God, can You hear me? 

Photo credit: Simran Sood for Unsplash

Sunday, April 14, 2024



I am a weed. I look like a flower, but I am a weed.

I survive in the harshest conditions without water or seed.

Others would rather be flowers growing hoping I’m not seen.

Flowers have their merit, value, and are held in high esteem.

I am a weed; judged like a book cover and always wrong.

Necessary not a nuisance. I have purpose and I belong.

There are others just like me who accept the deception.

Masquerading as flowers living the norm and not the exception.

I am a weed and though I look like a flower I am still a weed.

Holding my head up because I am proud to be a weed!

But because GOD is so good, He can make this weed a flower!

Because He loves me, I have an assigned purpose and power!

For God wanted some weeds to feed the soil and protect from pests.

In Him will I trust and have no fear! I am a weed and on that I will rest!


Saturday, April 13, 2024


Dear God,

I’m setting aside my pride to come before You, 

on my knees to say, I need You; every moment of every day!

Photo credit: Gideon Hezekiah for Unsplash

Thursday, April 4, 2024



Lord today I will not focus on the hurt nor give space and power to those responsible for that hurt. 

Today, Lord I will be thankful for the deliverance and healing from that hurt. 

The only name that will be allowed residence in my spirit today will be Yours! 

Thank You, Lord!


Photo credit: Natali Hordilik for Unsplash