Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Ten Minutes


I love coffee shops and I'm always inspired the moment I step inside. Maybe I'll finish this...who knows.

Photo by Toa Heftiba for Unsplash

Colby pretended that he didn’t notice her enter; she was late, and he hated tardiness. Luna sat down and he counted to three before looking up from his notebook. 

“I can’t believe you still write everything by hand.”

“You’re late, you know I hate it when you’re late.”

“I’m sorry besides it’s only ten minutes.”

“Only ten minutes? I’ve outlined an entire screenplay in ten minutes! I get it though.”

“What, what do you get?”

“You’re a disrespectful, ill-mannered, self-centered b-“

“...watch your mouth...”

“...bitch!” he whispered.

“Damn all that for ten minutes?”

“Unbelievable!” He said shaking his head.

“But you love me.”

Luna smiled arrogantly at the man across the table. She held her smile watching him as he slowly peeled the wire-rimmed glasses from his face and set them on the opened notebook; this was his thing whenever he was about to say something profound.

“Yeah ‘cause if I didn’t, I would have left ten minutes ago.”

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