Monday, March 27, 2023

I Wrote You

 Excerpt from 


A Love Letter From a Grandmother To A Grandson

Scriptures, Poems & Words of Wisdom for life’s journey

I Wrote You

(A love letter from God)

I wrote you.

 Created the page and then I spit your story on the empty surface.

From my imagination I formed your story and breathed life like commas so that your journey would make the world sing and dream of me!

I wrote you.

Made A to Z so that I could explain that you have no explanation except that

You are wonderful and in my image for 

when I saw you in my mind

You looked like me.

I wrote you…with limitless indelible ink and then

I read what I had written and I smiled and cried all at the same time.

For I already knew that you would desire 

to rise above the paper and above me.

And when you discovered that you could not fly without me you would fall.

I wrote you as I made room for you in my book of purpose

and I loved my creation created to create and be.

You are amazing more than you know or believe and that too makes me cry.

Fearlessly made yet you are fearful.

Powerful yet, powerless and so 

your riches, which are your inheritance

lay wasted.

Why? It doesn’t have to be because, I wrote you,

created the paper, the words, the story and when it’s all

said and done, I hold the period to be placed at the end of your story.

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